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 The rules governing proxy voting made clear that members could only designate a proxy if they were "unable to physically attend proceedings in the House Chamber" due to "the public health emergency." Yet members have voted by proxy simply to pursue extracurricular activities, such as attending space launches. By the end of the 116th Congress, 186 members and almost 75 percent of the Democratic caucus had designated a proxy at least once. At the start of 2021, with proxy voting still allowed, Republicans also began to sacrifice principle to convenience. If you go somewhere to go outside and the parking lot is packed with folks, that is not social isolating. So stay home, said David Morgan, a spokesman for the Department of Health. You were to go hiking on a trail that is narrow and would require you to get close to someone to pass them, the virus could be spread in that brief close encounter with someone. What Is Read Across America Day?Read Across America Da